Keagamaan bagi Anak Usia Dini., (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2017) (Bandung: Dar Mizan, 2007)Ĭyrus Lalompoh dan kartini Lalompoh, Metode Pengembangan Moral dan Nilai-nilai BumiĪhmad Susanto, Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini Pengantar dalam Berbagai Aspeknya. Keywords: language, early childhood, story, pictureĪbdul Chaer, Psikolinguistik: Kajian teoritik, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,2002)Īhmad Susanto, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Konsep dan Teori), (Jakarta: PT. The benefits of storytelling activities are: 1.) Storytelling can develop children's imagination, 2.) Increasing experience, 3.) Train concentration power, 4.) Increasing the vocabulary, 5.) Creating a familiar atmosphere, 6.) comprehending, 7.) Developing social feelings, 8.) Developing children's emotions, 9.) Practicing listening, 10.) Knowing positive and negative values. Tale or story telling is something human, that is, fairy tale or story using eye, hearing, motion, and touching heart.

Children are able to express themselves through a process that makes them happy and fosters a sense of satisfaction that makes them more confident. Storytelling is a popular communication medium for children, training their ability to focus attention for some time on certain objects. The most important thing for children is speaking, because it provides enormous benefits, one of which so that children can interact with peers and others around them and add new knowledge. Language Skill consists of four components of speaking, writing, listening and reading.