This is an annual event held at the Tailrace Centre for young girls to develop their self esteem. The Princess Ball won the Community Event of the Year.

Kristie Giblin won the Young Citizen of the Year Award for her contributions to youth issues through the West Tamar Youth Advisory Council, Newstead College representative for “Fuse” magazine and member of the Windsor Park Development Committee. Judith Batchler won the Citizen of the Year Award for her signifi cant contributions tions to the West Tamar Community Car, C Change (a cancer support group) and the West Tamar Art Group. Clare Furness and Nella Wallace became new Australian Citizens. 2008 Young Citizen of the Year, Rebecca Byrnes spoke of her challenges and achievements over the past year. Guest speaker Besta Peter, a Sudanese migrant, spoke of her experiences fl eeing from the war in Sudan. The celebration included breakfast, entertainment from vocalists John de Jong and Di Briffa, the West Tamar Municipal Band and guest speakers. MARCH 2009 Residents Newsletter - West Tamar Council Australia Day Awards 26 January 2009 Council hosted the Australia Day celebrations at the Beaconsfi eld Community Centre function room with 190 people.