
Soal program linear berkaitan dengan industri
Soal program linear berkaitan dengan industri

What will be the impact on his productivity if he purchases the device? Problem 3: Joanna French is currently working a total of 12 hours per day to produce 240 dolls. He will, however, have to spend an extra hour each morning adjusting the computerized diagnostic device. Ratchet believes he can purchase a small computer trouble-shooting device, which will allow him to find and fix a problem in the incredible (at least to his customers!) time of 1 hour. What is his daily productivity (assume an 8 hour day)? Mr. Ratchet, the local auto mechanic, finds that it usually takes him 2 hours to diagnose and fix a typical problem. What will be the impact on productivity (measured in square yards per labor-hour) if he purchases the higher quality raw cotton? Problem 2: C.

soal program linear berkaitan dengan industri

He believes that he can buy a better quality raw cotton, which will enable him to produce 1200 square yards per ton of raw cotton with the same labor hours. Each ton of raw cotton requires 5 labor hours to process. Chapter 1, Operations and Productivity Problem 1: Mance Fraily, the Production Manager at Ralts Mills, can currently expect his operation to produce 1000 square yards of fabric for each ton of raw cotton. Means that a given learning provides a significant improvement of students’ mastery of the subjects completed the word problems linear programming mathematics course.1 SOAL DAN JAWABAN: MANAJEMEN OPERASIONAL Dari buku Manajemen Operasional oleh Render, Barry and Jay Heizer, Principles Of Operations Management, Prentice Hall, 9th edition. T test results obtained t value of -9.595 with a probability of 0.000.

soal program linear berkaitan dengan industri

The results of cross tabulation analysis between the pre test and post test indicate that a given learning can enhance students’ mastery of the material word problems linear programming, from which initially less become category of enough and good, from enough become good and excellent, and from category of good become excellent. The results of the analysis scores pre test and post test showed that the learning provided during this activity, an increase in the percentage of students’ mastery of subject matter about the material word problems of linear programming by an average of 57.83%. Problem solving method was taken in the form of learning activities for linear programming for high school students in grade XII conducted by the implementing activities jointly with the classroom teacher. It aims to improve the understanding of student about the ways to solve word problems of linear programming as correctly and concept along with its steps, and also to know the level of student mastery in solving word problems of linear programming subject, mathematics courses. This community service was conducted on 1 - 30 August 2010, at SMAN 8 Denpasar, with 36 students of grade XII as the participants of this activity.

Soal program linear berkaitan dengan industri